Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thing 19

I listened to the following:
Photoshop for Digital Photographers
Nightly Business Report – Video Podcast PBS
Dilbert Animated Cartoons Podcast Tech Support Call
Learn to Speak Spanish with Discover Spanish
The Daily Giz Wiz
The Sound of Young America

I like listening to the podcast there are millions and many have very specific topics. I prefer video vodcast over audio. I think most students would prefer video as well. I think most students are aware of podcasting because they seem to all have ipods. If they are to find a podcast for a class I think the information needs to be very specific. However they may still see inappropriate podcast. Podcast could be used very easy in the classroom by downloading and listening to as a group over speakers and showing on an overhead projector. This could be followed with a hands on project. Files could be copied into each students folders if they needed to listen to them individually. An issue that could make it difficult to do is the bandwidth space that is available on many school computers. Also it is not available for hearing impaired students.


  1. Podcasts are OK to listen to. I personally like video better. Visual learner. But I can learn by listening. Maybe. I like your ideas of incorporating a project with the podcast.

  2. Audio is OK when I'm driving. Otherwise, give me video.
