Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing 5

Web 2.0 means being able to do more things with applications that are readily available and in many cases free downloads. The example of teachers checking on what everyone is doing in their classroom and trying to integrate similar content in their plans is a possibility, but i don't think it is here yet.  It shows the possibilities though and how much stronger the curriculum could be. With all of the information and topics that are out there today it is impossible to know everything about a particular topic. It is important to collaborate with colleagues and anyone else with similar interests in order to retrieve information. Web 2.0 allows instant feedback to anyone wanting it.
Personally this means being able to contact anyone no matter where they live and talk or/and see them live. Information can be retrieved to help solve any problems such as how to do or fix something.
There is so much information out there the biggest problem is trying to sift through it all and separate the good from the bad.


  1. Responding to the Rainy Day Blog on a rainy Saturday morning. As I stated on another blog, what has to happen is collaboration. Parents, students, teachers, and anyone involved with education needs to realize that Web 2.0 is the new way to communicate. Our kids have been doing it through cell phones and computers for quite some time. My youngest daughter is taking the Ohio Bar at the end of July. She is much more comfortable using a keyboard to compose answers to tests that she is going to use her computer to write the essay portion of the exam. It is a program that makes your pc a word processor. No access to internet or any part of the computor. Program saves the essay automatically every 60 seconds. The thing is she is mor comforatable at the keyboard than she is with pencil and paper. And she is 26. Just an example of how technology has changed how things are completed.

  2. To me, using Web 2.0 is going to change the way educators plan lessons, brainstorm, etc. I agree with Ann when she stated that it will be a problem for teachers to sort through the information. When I am looking for activites to include in my lesson plans the first place I look is the internet. Sometimes I get so much information that I just stop because it can be very time consuming to sort through it all. I think with practice and patience though searching for information doesn't have to be so overwhelming. It is also important that teachers know where to look on the internet as well.

  3. As already stated- sifting through the information could be very time consuming and keeping appropriate information in the forefront. I look forward to the practice and attempting new strategies- however the sun is shinning and It will have to wait another hour or so!!!
